Robert A. Johnson
Robert A. Johnson
Quotes of Author: Robert A. Johnson
Robert A. Johnson
Owning Your Own Shadow:
Heaven and skid row are separated only by an act of consciousness.
Robert A. Johnson
Our story begins with the Grail castle, which is in serious trouble. The Fisher King, the king of the castle, has been wounded. His wounds are so severe that he cannot live, yet he is incapable of dying. He groans; he cries out; he suffers constantly. The whole land is in desolation, for a land mirrors the condition of its king, inwardly in a mythological dimension, as well as outwardly in the physical world. The cattle do not reproduce; the crops won't grow; knights are killed; children are orphaned; maidens weep; there is mourning everywhere-all because the Fisher King is wounded.
Robert A. Johnson
He: Understanding Masculine
All psychological suffering {or happiness, taken in its usual sense} is a matter of comparison.
Robert A. Johnson
A man must consent to look to a foolish, innocent, adolescent part of himself for his cure. The inner fool is the only one who can touch his Fisher King wound.
Robert A. Johnson
Living Your Unlived Life:
The word suffer in its original sense means "to allow," such as in one of Shakespeare's dramas when a courtier says, "I suffer you to speak before the king." So to suffer creatively is simply to allow what is, to stop fighting it, and instead to affirm your life. Creative suffering is allowing what is and saying "yes!" Such experience is redemptive in that it leads to healing and self-knowledge. If you can honestly assess what is true in your life, looking at it with objectivity and intelligence, you are getting closer to enlightenment, as your escape mechanism is diminished. By stating what is at any moment, with complete honesty and sincerity, you become conscious of it. When"
Robert A. Johnson
Balancing Heaven and Earth: A
It was she who first introduced me to a book by Richard Morris Bucke called Cosmic Consciousness. While reading it I realized for the first time that other people, too, had contact with the Golden World. It gave me the first bit of a handhold on what had happened to me. Lessons were at Miss Rand's home in the late afternoon, and I often stayed for dinner. We would go on talking until 9 P.M., when her dog would courteously insist that it was time for me to go home. In my own home I was accustomed to retiring to my room immediately after dinner, as there was never anything of interest to say to anyone. Although I didn't know it at the time, I had a great hunger to be parented by someone who understood my inner world. During this period I didn't know what I wanted or needed, I only felt a great hole in my life. In
Robert A. Johnson
Biz Romantik Aşkın Psikolojisi
Özverinin kanunu şudur: Eğer bir erkek yanlış düzeyde sahip olduğu şeyden vazgeçerse, bu ona doğru düzeyde iade edilir.
Robert A. Johnson
He: Understanding Masculine
The object of life is not happiness, but to serve God or the Grail. All of the Grail quests are to serve God. If one understands this and drops his idiotic notion that the meaning of life is personal happiness, then one will find that elusive quality immediately at hand.
Robert A. Johnson
Balancing Heaven and Earth: A
When some quality jumps from you onto another person, you have an opportunity; this is one of your best chances for an advance in consciousness. But you must differentiate carefully and not mix the gold with other levels of relationship. Gold is gold and that is enough. The Bible tells us, "Blessed are the pure in heart." Pure doesn't mean "good," it means "unmixed." Almost all psychological suffering results from a mixing of levels. I believe that everything in us is good; it is the mixture of things that goes wrong and leads to psychological problems. A possible definition of evil would be to say that evil consists of a right thing in a wrong place. It is not the thing that is wrong; only its placement. The process of projecting
Robert A. Johnson
Owning Your Own Shadow:
Culture can only function if we live out the unwanted elements symbolically. All healthy societies have a rich ceremonial life. Less healthy ones rely on unconscious expressions: war, violence, psychosomatic illness, neurotic suffering, and accidents are very low-grade ways of living out the shadow. Ceremony and ritual are a far more intelligent means of accomplishing the same thing. Ceremonies
Robert A. Johnson
She: Understanding Feminine
Very few women understand how great is the hunger in a man to be near femininity...{b}ut if a woman wishes to give a most precious gift to a man, if she would truly feed this masculine hunger {a hunger that he will seldom show but that is always there}, she will be very, very feminine when her man is in a mood, so he can get his bearings and be a man again.
Robert A. Johnson
Contentment: A Way to True
There is a story of a spiritual seeker who one day came to his master and asked, "In the olden days it is said that there were people who walked and talked with God. Why doesn't this happen anymore?" The master replied, "Because nowadays no one will stoop so low.
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