Author: Robert Bly
Quotes of Author: Robert Bly
In the Month of May"In the month of May when all leaves open,I see when I walk how well all thingslean on each other, how the bees work,the fish make their living the first day.Monarchs fly high; then I understandI love you with what in me is unfinished.I love you with what in me is stillchanging, what has no head or armsor legs, what has not found its body.And why shouldn't the miraculous,caught on this earth, visitthe old man alone in his hut?And why shouldn't Gabriel, who loves honey,be fed with our own radishes and walnuts?And lovers, tough ones, how many there arewhose holy bodies are not yet born.Along the roads, I see so many placesI would like us to spend the night. book-quoteOur culture teaches us from early infancy to split and polarize dark and light, which I call here "mother" and "father." So some people admire the right-thinking, well-lit side of the personality, and that group one can associate with the father, if one wants to; and some admire the left-thinking, poorly-lit side, and that group one can associate with the mother, if one wants to, and mythologically with the Great Mother. Most artists, poets, and musicians belong to the second group and love intuition, music, the feminine, owls, and the ocean. The right-thinking group loves action, commerce, and Empire. book-quoteshadow