Author: Vladimir Mayakovsky
Quotes of Author: Vladimir Mayakovsky
You entered,Abrupt like "Take it!",Mauling suede gloves, you tarried,And said:"You know,-I'm soon getting married." Get married then.It's all right,I can handle it.You see - I'm calm, of course!Like the pulse Of a corpse. Remember?You used to say:"Jack London,Money,Love and ardour,"--I saw one thing only:You were La Gioconda,Which had to be stolen! And someone stole you. Again in love, I shall start gambling,With fire illuminating the arch of my eyebrows.And why not?Sometimes, the homeless ramblersWill seek to find shelter in a burnt down house! You're mocking me?"You've fewer emeralds of madnessthan a beggar kopecks, there's no disproving this!"But rememberPompeii came to end thusWhen somebody teased Vesuvius! Hey!Gentlemen!You care forSacrilege,CrimeAnd war.But have you seenThe frightening terrorOf my faceWhenIt's Perfectly calm? And I feel-"I