A Home at the End of the World
A Home at the End of the World
Quotes of Book: A Home at the End of the World
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
I admit it - there was a streak of sadism in my lusts. There was the taint of vanity. I choose ordinary men who would not refuse; who would feel lucky to have me. I did not thrill to the sight of their flesh - which was either bulky or scrawny but always abashed and grateful - so much as I did to the fact of their capture.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
Когда впереди возникает голубоватый абрис дома, я вспоминаю, что дом - это тоже способ бегства. Он наш, он дан нам, чтобы мы могли уходить и возвращаться.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
Галактики взрываются над его головой, а он в одних трусах в горошек.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
Я хотела сказать ему, что мертвым мы должны еще меньше, чем живым, и что наша единственная, хотя и весьма сомнительная, возможность счастья - в безусловном приветствии перемен.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
Многие годы, на самом деле большую часть своей сознательной жизни, я осторожно скользила над подземными водами скуки и отчаянья, от которых меня отделял лишь тонкий слой воображения. Остановись я слишком надолго, поддайся желанию передохнуть, я бы провалилась. Поэтому я делала сережки, ходила в клубы и в кино, перекрашивала волосы.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
It seemed the morrow's holding had become a sort of peoples park in the suburbs of Cleveland. The other on the block, those who still lived in the fading jerry-built ranch houses with birdbaths or plaster dwarves on their lawns had appropriated it. I could imagine them gathering there at dusk, their children swaying creakily on the swings as the women planted sunflower seeds and murmured over the day's events. It was slightly criminal, an unfounded claim made by people who were not prospering but only getting by, and as such the property had passed beyond reclamation. To own this parcel of land you would have to wrest it back from those who had learned to care for it. If you leveled their tiny works and put up a new house you would be an invader, not much different from a colonial, and the land would be tainted until your house fell down again. This suburban quarter-acre had returned to its wilder purpose, and could not be redomesticated without a fight that would leave the victor's hands stained.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
I could not help investing his every quality with a heightened sense of the real, nor could I quit wondering, from moment to moment, what it was like to be inside his skin.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
What happened? You were there, you must have seen it. I keep thinking there must be something I don't remember. I've got a decent job, I have lovers and friends. So why do I feel so numb and separate? Why do I feel like a failure? For years, for most of my recollected life, I'd walked carefully over a subterranean well of boredom and hopelessness that lied just beneath the thin outer layer of my imagination. If I'd stood still for too long, if I'd given in to repose, I'd have fallen through.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
I liked to think you could change your life without abandoning the simple daily truths.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
This moment may come to us all, at some point in our eventutal move from health into sickness. We abandon our old obligation to consider the needs of others, and give ourselves up to their care. There is a shift in status. We become citizens of a new realm, and although we retain the best and worst of our former selves we are no longer bodily in command of our fates.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
В юности есть время строить планы и придумывать что-то новое. В более солидном возрасте приходится тратить всю энергию на то, что уже приведено в движение.
Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World
...умершие - трудная тема. Пожалуй, самое примечательное в них - неизменность их статуса. Они будут мертвы в том же самом смысле и через тысячу лет. Я все еще привыкал к этому в связи с моим собственным отцом. Пока он был жив, я всегда подсознательно исходил из подвижности наших отношений. Теперь возможность что-либо изменить была утрачена. Он навсегда унес ее с собой в печь крематория.
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