Book: Confessions of a Prayer Slacker
Quotes of Book: Confessions of a Prayer
  1. Diane Moody _ Confessions of a Prayer

    The focus of that week was "learning how to listen to the voice of God" in what was dubbed "My Quiet Time with God." You have to admire the camp leaders' intent, but let's be honest. Most pre-adolescents are clueless about such deeply spiritual goals, let alone the discipline to follow through on a daily basis. Still, good little camperettes that we were, we trekked across the campground after our counselors told us to find our "special place" to meet with God each day. My special place was beneath a big tree. Like the infamous land-run settlers of Oklahoma's colorful history, I staked out the perfect location. I busily cleared the dirt beneath my tree and lined it with little rocks, fashioned a cross out of two twigs, stuck it in the ground near the tree, and declared that it was good. I wiped my hands on my madras Bermudas, then plopped down, cross-legged on the dirt, ready to meet God. For an hour. One very long hour. Just me and God. God and me. Every single day of camp. Did I mention these quiet times were supposed to last an entire hour? I tried. Really I did. "Now I lay me down to sleep . . . " No. Wait. That's a prayer for babies. I can surely do better than that. Ah! I've got it! The Lord's Prayer! Much more grown-up. So I closed my eyes and recited the familiar words. "Our Father, Who art in heaven . . ." Art? I like art. I hope we get to paint this week. Maybe some watercolor . . . "Hallowed by Thy name." I've never liked my name. Diane. It's just so plain. Why couldn't Mom and Dad have named me Veronica? Or Tabitha? Or Maria-like Maria Von Trapp in The Sound of Music. Oh my gosh, I love that movie! "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done . . . " Be done, be done, be done . . . will this Quiet Time ever BE DONE? I'm sooooo bored! B-O-R-E-D. BORED! BORED! BORED! "On earth as it is in Heaven." I wonder if Julie Andrews and I will be friends in heaven. I loved her in Mary Poppins. I really liked that bag of hers. All that stuff just kept coming out. "Give us this day, our daily bread . . . " I'm so hungry, I could puke. I sure hope they don't have Sloppy Joes today. Those were gross. Maybe we'll have hot dogs. I'll take mine with ketchup, no mustard. I hate mustard. "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." What the heck is a trespass anyway? And why should I care if someone tresses past me? "And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil . . . " I am so tempted to short-sheet Sally's bed. That would serve her right for stealing the top bunk. "For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever." This hour feels like forever. FOR-E-VERRRR. Amen. There. I prayed. Now what?