Book: Damaged and the Beast
Quotes of Book: Damaged and the Beast
  1. Bijou Hunter _ Damaged and the Beast

    Wiggling my breasts against his back, I waited for the groan. Cooper glanced back at me and frowned. "I need to start wearing sweatpants or else you'll kill me." "I don't understand," I said, batting my eyes innocently. "Are you talking about this?" Wiggling my breasts against him again, I jumped when his hands went to my bare thighs. Stroking from my hips to knees, Cooper gave me a grin. "I'm getting you naked this weekend. Even if I have to lie, cheat, and steal, I'm hitting a homerun with you, baby." "Sure, whatever. Can we leave now?" "Temptress." "Dickhead." "Beauty." "Stud." "A stud that needs sweatpants." "If it's such a hassle, maybe we shouldn't fool around at my place?" Cooper just laughed while pulling away from school. He was laughing again when he parked at the curb next to my apartment building. "What's so funny?" "Nothing. When I don't get enough oxygen to my brain, it gives me the giggles." Now, I was laughing as we walked to the front door. "My mom might be home." "I'll be sure to feel you up silently then." Grinning, I unlocked the door and pushed it open to find the air conditioner running high. "My mom sometimes gets overheated." "Lady issues. Check. No more info is necessary or desired." Shutting the door, I turned down the air conditioner before finding two sodas in the refrigerator. "I need a shower." Cooper stared at me with a pained expression. "Sweatpants." Laughing, I left him to my crappy cable. After a quick shower, I changed into a loose tank top and shorts. Feeling daring, I chose to wear panties, but no bra. Returning to the living room, I found Cooper stretched out with his legs over the coffee table and his arms spread out along the back of the couch. He looked large and menacing then he glanced at me and grinned. "Would now be a bad time to mention I'm horny?" he asked as I opened my soda and joined him on the couch. "If I never again heard a single thing about you being horny, I'd still be well informed.
  2. Bijou Hunter _ Damaged and the Beast

  3. Bijou Hunter _ Damaged and the Beast

    Nodding, I tried to tell myself how Travis didn't care about me. He hadn't come for me all these years and he never would. Wanting to be rational, I still felt his rough hands on me. I hurt between my legs like I did when he was done. He had marked me again in the dream and I would never be free. After a short time, Cooper stood up and walked to the next room. Hating to be alone, I still flinched when he returned. He seemed bigger now. His shoulders wider, his face harsher, his whole demeanor reeked of potential violence. Instead of hitting me, Cooper lowered a blanket behind the chair so I could cover myself. I stared at him as he sat back down. We studied each other for a long time as I waited for something bad to happen or the fear to fade. Neither occurred, leaving me stuck behind the chair for hours. Cooper tried twice to caress my face and both times I jerked back and away from his touch. After the second attempt, he stood up and left the room. I heard the front door open and assumed he was leaving. Then, his big ugly dog Rafe waltzed into the room with Cooper following behind. In his hand, Cooper held a gun and I pushed farther back into the corner. "No one," he said, kneeling down by the chair, "will come here and take you. If they do, Rafe will wake us up and I'll kill the fucker. No one is hurting you or taking you away from me. Do you understand?" Staring into his dark eyes, I did understand. I craned my neck so I could see Rafe comfortable in the corner. When I looked back at Cooper, he sighed. "Baby, it's nearly six in the morning. The sun is coming up and you need to sleep. I need rest too, so let's go to bed and I'll keep you safe. I won't even touch you, but I need you to go to bed." "You love me," I said in a rough, exhausted voice. "More than anything else. I will never let that piece of shit or anyone else come here and hurt you. You are mine and that makes you untouchable. Do you understand?" Nodding again, I crawled out from behind the chair and Cooper helped me stand. He stepped back, willing to keep his distance to avoid scaring me. Reaching for him, I knew he would keep me safe. If I couldn't shake the fear of the dream, I could at least know Cooper was someone Travis wouldn't screw with. Rationally, I knew Travis likely forgot I existed, but I wasn't rational. I was primal and the monster was always waiting to ruin me again. With Cooper though, I was safe.
  4. Bijou Hunter _ Damaged and the Beast

    Sighing, I scooted down in the booth and pulled away my hand. "You can't control everything. It's like you're a finished product and I'm a brand new idea. You're making all the decisions about who I can be and what I can do, but I can't make any decisions about who you are." "Well, for one thing, I'm not eighteen. For another, you have control over how I feel and that's still power. Finally, maybe you grew up with a boot on the back of your neck so you need all of this independence to feel like you've accomplished shit, but you need to get over that. I take care of the people I love. My money can make your life easier and that makes my life easier. I'm not molding you and I don't think you need molding anyway. The only difference between us is that I know I'm a finished product and you think you still need to change. You don't and working this weekend so you can buy new clothes you don't need won't make you better. It won't make you stronger or smarter. It'll wear you down and give you a false sense of accomplishment. In the long run, your grades will suffer and you'll hate your job and school and, God forbid, me." "I've dreamed of this life for a long time and I want it to be like my dream." "Dream bigger, baby." "You mean dream of you." "A dream with me in it, yes, but I know you want to be a teacher. I see on your face what that means to you. I'm not saying give up everything for me and be my bitch. I'm saying live your dream along with being my bitch." "Fuck you," I hissed, grinning. Cooper shared my smile. "I have to protect you. I have to feel like I'm doing right by you because my heart hurts when you aren't happy. The last day sucked worse than any time in my life. I just couldn't give two shits about anything because I'd lost you." "I don't know. I still feel like I should work this weekend." Cooper sighed for nearly a minute then shook his head. "Healthy relationships are about compromise. Don't work this weekend and go to the fair with me and I'll buy you new clothes. See, compromise?" "You get everything you want. How is that compromise?" "I'm buying you new clothes that I don't think you need," he said, grinning. "I'm wasting money on your delusion. You're welcome." Laughing, I finished my soda then stood up. "I'll think about it." "And say yes when I take you home later.