Book: Light Years
Quotes of Book: Light Years
suddenly felt frightened. He was reaching that age, he was at the edge of it, when the world becomes suddenly more beautiful, when it reveals itself in a special way, in every detail, roof and wall, in the leaves of trees fluttering faintly before a rain. The world was opening itself, as if to allow, now that life was shortening, one long, passionate look, and all that had been withheld would finally be given. book-quoteI am going to describe her life from the inside outward, from its core, the house as well, rooms in which life was gathered, rooms in which the morning sunlight, the floors spread with Oriental rugs that had been her mother-in-law's, apricot, rough and tan, rugs which though worn seemed to drink the sun, to collect its warmth; books, potpourris, cushions in colors of Matisse, objects glistening like evidence, many which might had they been possessed by ancient people, have been placed in the tombs for another life: clear crystal dice, pieces of staghorn, amber beads, boxes, sculptures, wooden balls, magazines in which were photographs of women to whom she compared herself. book-quote«Pero el conocimiento no te protege. La vida desprecia el conocimiento, lo obliga a esperar sentado en la antesala, a esperar fuera. Pasión, energía, mentiras: eso es lo que la vida admira. No obstante, todo es soportable si la humanidad entera observa. Lo demuestran los mártires. Vivimos dentro de la atención ajena. Nos volvemos hacia ella como flores hacia el sol.
No hay una vida completa. Hay sólo fragmentos. Hemos nacido para no tener nada, para que todo se nos pierda entre los dedos. Y, sin embargo, esta pérdida, este diluvio de encuentros, luchas, sueños... hay que ser irreflexivo, como una tortuga. Hay que ser resuelto, ciego. Pues cualquier cosa que hagamos, incluso que no hagamos, nos impide hacer la cosa opuesta. Los actos demuelen sus alternativas, he aquí la paradoja. La vida, por tanto, consiste en elecciones, cada cual definitiva y de poca trascendencia, como tirar piedras al mar. Hemos tenido hijos, pensó; nunca podremos no tener hijos. Hemos sido mesurados, jamás sabremos lo que es despilfarrar nuestra vida…» book-quote