Book: Long Road to Mercy
Quotes of Book: Long Road to Mercy
  1. David Baldacci _ Long Road to Mercy

    my office that I can't really transport." "What the hell are you talking about?" "Just trust me, sir." "I don't see why I should. I've already gotten an earful from the DD about you." Pine drew a deep breath. "I think the DD might be involved in what's going on." Which is the reason I'm calling you and not him, she said to herself. "What in the hell are you saying? That sort of talk could cost you your shield, Pine." "Why else would he have intervened and had you call me off this case, sir? Wasn't that extraordinary on his part? I mean, what does the DD care about a dead mule?" Dobbs didn't say anything for a long moment. Then: "What the hell are you involved in, Pine?" "Something bigger than I could have ever imagined, sir. That's why I need your help and support. I can't do it alone. And if the DD won't do it, I need you to have my back, sir." "And why do I need to bring reinforcements?" asked Dobbs after another few moments of silence. "Because I expect company here." "Company? What do you mean, some criminals? A gang?" "Depends on how you define that, sir, but this company might actually be more dangerous." "Look, Pine, this is beyond ridiculous. If you think-" She broke in, "Sir, I would not be asking this if it were not absolutely critical. Once you get here you will understand exactly what is going on. It's a matter of national security. Not just for this country, but for the world." She paused. "I'm trying to do my job, sir, as an FBI agent. I gave an oath. I intend to carry that oath out." She once more listened to him breathing. "You're really not joking, are you?" "I have never been more serious in my life."