Book: Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
Quotes of Book: Savage Inequalities: Children
  1. Jonathan Kozol _ Savage Inequalities: Children

    East Side High became well known some years ago when its former principal, a colorful and controversial figure named Joe Clark, was given special praise by U.S. Education Secretary William Bennett. Bennett called the school "a mecca of education" and paid tribute to Joe Clark for throwing out 300 students who were thought to be involved with violence or drugs. "He was a perfect hero," says a school official who has dinner with me the next evening, "for an age in which the ethos was to cut down on the carrots and increase the sticks. The day that Bennett made his visit, Clark came out and walked the hallways with a bullhorn and a bat. If you didn't know he was a principal, you would have thought he was the warden of a jail. Bennett created Joe Clark as a hero for white people. He was on the cover of Time magazine. Parents and kids were held in thrall after the president endorsed him."In certain respects, this set a pattern for the national agenda. Find black principals who don't identify with civil rights concerns but are prepared to whip black children into line. Throw out the kids who cause you trouble. It's an easy way to raise the average scores. Where do you put these kids once they're expelled? You build more prisons. Two thirds of the kids that Clark threw out are in Passaic County Jail."This is a very popular approach in the United States today. Don't provide the kids with a new building. Don't provide them with more teachers or more books or more computers. Don't even breathe a whisper of desegregation. Keep them in confinement so they can't subvert the education of the suburbs. Don't permit them 'frills' like art or poetry or theater. Carry a bat and tell them they're no good if they can't pass the state exam. Then, when they are ruined, throw them into prison. Will it surprise you to be told that Paterson destroyed a library because it needed space to build a jail?