Start Where You Are: Life Lessons in Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Start Where You Are: Life Lessons in Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Quotes of Book: Start Where You Are: Life
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
until you are at home in yourself, familiar with the knowledge of the gold of who you are, where you come from, where you've been, and who you were meant to be, you'll be basically "homeless." In other words, until you can come to value all experience, and find some happyness in everything you've lived and will live, you will be without your ultimate riches.
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
we all have the power of choice in determining who we ultimately become. This
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
Don't listen to them," I said. "In fact, don't ever let anybody tell you that you can't do something. Not your parents, your teachers. Nobody.
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
Now I know a lot of us would rather skip over whatever happened back in the day, because it's painful or obsolete {as some would say}, because there's nothing to do to change it, other than to let it go or get over it. But if we do that, we risk losing our knowledge of what really makes us happy: the pure essence of joy that we knew as children. And if we don't take the time to reclaim the dreams that we may have left back there in the thorny and golden past, we will be poorer for it.
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
if anybody asks you who you are, tell them you are a child of God." That message translated in such a way that you would never call yourself a slave or tell anyone that you were a child of slaves or that you belonged to a slave owner. As a child of God, you were not a mistake, or a product of lust or rape, but you were meant to be here, to learn, love, and be loved.
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
As children, very few of us have the capacity to fend off demeaning, negating comments, even the ones that are made without malice. Our work as adults is to make the choice to not pass those words on to our kids and to reject cruel or unthinking remarks about ourselves-to flick 'em off our shoulders like dandruff!
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
no matter where you are, only you have dominion over your mind, your beliefs, and your attitudes. So if you look at your situation and let go of excuses or blame, and you choose to believe that you can alter your position on your own, you'll deprive the system, the man, or the ism controlling you. First,
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
Only by acknowledging, "Hey, here is where I am, and I'm here because I steered my horse here," can I make the next choice to ride on out to the sunset where I'd really like to be. Or,
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
sometimes the only way we can discover our true power is by living through the crisis we feared. As
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
Mr. Gardner, why people gotta keep you down when you have your dream?" Again, I was having a long overdue conversation with myself. "Well," I said, "people who can't do something themselves, they're jealous, so they wanna tell you that you can't do it. But you know what? You got a dream, it's yours and you gotta protect it. So, don't let anyone tell you that you can't. If you want something, go get it. Period.
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
If you have a dream and a desire to pursue it with every fiber of your being, but can't move past excuses or circumstances that seem to be standing in your way, there is a life lesson ahead with your name on it. If you are tired of the status quo and are dying to shake up your life, reinvent yourself, and find a pursuit you love doing so much that you can't wait for the sun to come up in the morning, you've come to the right place. If
Chris Gardner
Start Where You Are: Life
Then again, what seems like nothing in the eyes of the world, when properly valued and put to use, can be among the greatest riches.
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