Book: Stealing America: What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me about Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party
Quotes of Book: Stealing America: What My
  1. Dinesh D'Souza _ Stealing America: What My

    one of the central claims of modern progressivism, that wealth is created not by entrepreneurs and workers but rather by society, and therefore the proceeds can be allocated by the state according to its perceived benefits to society. Of course, if the premise is not true, then the conclusion doesn't follow, and the progressive redistributive project is built on a fallacy. Therefore progressives like Obama are very keen to inform entrepreneurs, "You didn't build that." Obama's explicit claim is that "society did it" and the implicit suggestion is that "society could have done it without you." Interestingly there is a confinement center corollary to the idea that "society did it." It is the idea, sometimes heard among the criminal class, that "society did it to me." Or, to put it a bit differently, "society made me do it." These two ideas-attributing wealth creation or criminal behavior to society in general-seem to be based on the undeniable truth that the outcomes of our actions depend on many factors outside ourselves. "Society" becomes a stand-in for the innumerable, sometimes untraceable influences that contribute to our choices and the results of those choices. The two ideas have something else in common: they both subtract from the idea of personal responsibility. In one case the businessman or entrepreneur doesn't get the credit; in the other the criminal or wrongdoer doesn't take the blame. A closer look can help us see the dangers inherent in granting to society outcomes that would never have occurred without specific individuals freely undertaking specific courses of action.
  2. Dinesh D'Souza _ Stealing America: What My

    Obama's only connection with phones was to label them Obamaphones and hand them out for free through his community organizer network. Now millions of Americans and illegal immigrants have cell phones paid for by the U.S. government and funded through one of those obscure charges that appear on your phone bill, the "lifeline" tax. Obama undoubtedly hopes you never notice the charge, or ask about it. It's so much better to rip people off when they don't even know they are being ripped off. Obama has no experience in starting a business or running a business; the only business he has ever run-the U.S. government-is $18 trillion in debt, a full one-half of that accumulated during Obama's two terms. Any CEO with that record would certainly be fired; any private enterprise losing money at that pace would long have gone out of business. Obama didn't discover his lack of entrepreneurial talent at the White House; he's known it for most of his life. That's why he decided, at a young age, to go a completely different route. Envious of the entrepreneur, he would become the anti-entrepreneur. He would put his talents to use in taking from the entrepreneurs and getting away with it. So Obama's lack of entrepreneurial talent doesn't mean that he is untalented. He is talented, but his talent lies in other areas. Driven by envy and resentment toward entrepreneurs, Obama specializes in fostering and mobilizing the resentment of others. He's not a community organizer; he's a resentment organizer.
  3. Dinesh D'Souza _ Stealing America: What My

    Starting in the Clinton era and continuing through George W. Bush's two terms, progressive activists mounted direct pressure-either in the form of public protest or lawsuits-against banks. This was aimed at intimidating banks to adopt new lending standards and also to engage the activist groups themselves in the lending process. In 1994, a young Barack Obama, recently graduated from Harvard Law School, joined two other attorneys in suing Citibank for "discriminatory lending" because it had denied home loans to several bank applicants. The case was called Selma S. Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank. Citibank denied wrongdoing, but as often happens in such situations, it settled the lawsuit to avoid litigation costs and the negative publicity. Selma Buycks-Roberson and two of her fellow plaintiffs altogether received $60,000, and Obama and his fellow lawyers received nearly a million dollars in legal fees. This was a small salvo in a massive fusillade of lawsuits filed against banks and financial institutions in the 1990s. ACORN, the most notorious of these groups, had its own ally in the Clinton administration: Hillary Clinton. {Around the same time, ACORN was also training an aspiring community activist named Barack Obama.} Hillary helped to raise money for ACORN and also for a closely allied group, the Industrial Areas Foundation. The IAF had been founded by Saul Alinsky and continued to operate as an aggressive leftist pressure group long after Alinsky's death in 1972. Hillary lent her name to these groups' projects and met several times with their organizers in the White House. ACORN's efforts were also supported by progressive politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Jon Corzine, Chuck Schumer, and Harry Reid. These politicians berated the banks to make loans easier to get. "I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness," Frank said at a September 25, 2003, hearing. "I want to roll the dice a little more.