The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
Quotes of Book: The Book of Laughter and
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
She refused at first, saying it would make a mockery of their love. She loved him too much to admit that what she thought of as unforgettable could ever be forgotten. Finally, of course, she did as he asked, but without enthusiasm. The notebooks showed it: they had many empty pages, and the entries were fragmentary.
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
Or take an instance from the student's childhood: His parents made him take violin lessons. He was not very gifted and his teacher would interrupt him to criticize his mistakes in a cold, unbearable voice. He felt humiliated, and he wanted to cry. But instead of trying to play in tune and not make mistakes, he would deliberately play wrong notes, the teacher's voice would become still more unbearable and harsh, and he himself would sink deeper and deeper into his litost.What then is litost?Litost is a state of torment created by the sudden sight of one's own misery.
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
When he asked her why she was so silent, she told him she had not been satisfied with their lovemaking. She said he had made love to her like an intellectual.
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
During the last ten years of his life my father gradually lost the power of speech. At first he simply had trouble calling up certain words or would say similar words instead and then immediately laugh at himself. In the end he had only a handful of words left, and all his attempts at saying anything more substantial resulted in one of the last sentences he could articulate: 'That's strange.'Whenever he said 'That's strange,' his eyes would express an infinite astonishment at knowing everything and being able to say nothing. Things lost their names and merged into a single, undifferentiated reality. I was the only one who by talking to him could temporarily transform that nameless infinity into the world of clearly named entities.
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
You must understand that by this time the only choice was among several varieties of defeat, but the town in question rejected compromise and would settle for nothing but victory. That was not reason talking; that was the voice of litost!
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
For he was aware of the great secret of life: Women don't look for handsome men. Women look for men who have had beautiful women. Having an ugly mistress is therefore a fatal mistake
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
It takes so little, so infinitely little, for a person to cross the border beyond which everything loses meaning: love, convictions, faith, history. Human life -- and herein lies its secret -- takes place in the immediate proximity of that border, even in direct contact with it; it is not miles away, but a fraction of an inch
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
Narodi se likvidiraju tako da im se najprije oduzme sjećanje. Unište im se knjige, obrazovanje, povijest. Netko drugi im napiše druge knjige, da im drugo obrazovanje i izmisli drugu povijest. I narod onda postupno počne zaboravljati što je bio i što je sada, a svijet oko njega to zaboravi još mnogo brže.
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
مردم فقط به این دلیل می خواهند ارباب آینده بشوند که گذشته را تغییر بدهند.
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
Apoi, într-o zi, m-am apucat să spun ceva ce nu trebuia spus, am fost {...} obligat să ies din horă. Atunci am înţeles semnificaţia magică a cercului. Cînd ieşi din rînd mai poţi reveni. Rîndul este o formatiune deschisă. Cercul însă se închide, şi-l părăseşti fără posibilitatea întoarcerii. Nu întîmplător se mişcă planetele în cerc şi roca desprinsă din ele se îndepărtează inexorabil, dusă de forţa centrifugă. Ca un meteorit smuls dintr-o planetă, am ieşit şi eu din cerc şi căderea mea n-a încetat nici acum. Există oameni cărora le e dat să piară în toiul rotatiei şi altii ce se zdrobesc abia la capătul prăbuşirii. Iar aceşti alţii {între care mă număr şi eu} păstrează mereu în ei o sfioasă nostalgie a horei pierdute, căci noi suntem cu toţii locuitorii unui univers în care totul se învîrteşte în cerc.
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
Geleceğe egemen olmak istenilmesinin nedeni, geçmişi değiştirecek güce sahip olmaktan başka bir şey değildir.
Milan Kundera
The Book of Laughter and
...gülmek, derinlemesine yaşamaktır.
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