Book: The Israel Test: Why the World's Most Besieged State is a Beacon of Freedom and Hope for the World Economy
Quotes of Book: The Israel Test: Why the
Netanyahu concludes: "We agree with that clear-sighted scholar who said, unreservedly, in plain language: 'Anti-Semitism was born in Egypt.'" His book shows that motivating the Inquisition in Spain was not hostility to Jewish religion but rage against the superior effectiveness and ascendancy of Jews outperforming established clerics as Christians. "New Christians," mostly Jewish, were taking over the Spanish church by being more learned, eloquent, devout, resourceful, and charismatic than Christian leaders. As Netanyahu writes, "The struggle against the Jews was essentially motivated by social and economic, rather than religious considerations . . ." For all their sage observations, Prager and Telushkin miss the heart of the matter, which is Jewish intellectual and entrepreneurial superiority." book-quote