Book: The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future
Quotes of Book: The Price of Inequality: How
  1. Joseph E. Stiglitz _ The Price of Inequality: How

    Curbing the financial sector. Since so much of the increase in inequality is associated with the excesses of the financial sector, it is a natural place to begin a reform program. Dodd-Frank is a start, but only a start. Here are six further reforms that are urgent: {a} Curb excessive risk taking and the too-big-to-fail and too-interconnected-to-fail financial institutions; they're a lethal combination that has led to the repeated bailouts that have marked the last thirty years. Restrictions on leverage and liquidity are key, for the banks somehow believe that they can create resources out of thin air by the magic of leverage. It can't be done. What they create is risk and volatility.2 {b} Make banks more transparent, especially in their treatment of over-the-counter derivatives, which should be much more tightly restricted and should not be underwritten by government-insured financial institutions. Taxpayers should not be backing up these risky products, no matter whether we think of them as insurance, gambling instruments, or, as Warren Buffett put it, financial weapons of mass destruction.3 {c} Make the banks and credit card companies more competitive and ensure that they act competitively. We have the technology to create an efficient electronics payment mechanism for the twenty-first century, but we have a banking system that is determined to maintain a credit and debit card system that not only exploits consumers but imposes large fees on merchants for every transaction. {d} Make it more difficult for banks to engage in predatory lending and abusive credit card practices, including by putting stricter limits on usury {excessively high interest rates}. {e} Curb the bonuses that encourage excessive risk taking and shortsighted behavior. {f} Close down the offshore banking centers {and their onshore counterparts} that have been so successful both at circumventing regulations and at promoting tax evasion and avoidance. There is no good reason that so much finance goes on in the Cayman Islands; there is nothing about it or its climate that makes it so conducive to banking. It exists for one reason only: circumvention. Many
  2. Joseph E. Stiglitz _ The Price of Inequality: How

    End corporate welfare-including hidden subsidies. We explained in earlier chapters how the government too often, rather than helping people who need assistance, spends its valuable money helping corporations, through corporate welfare. Many of the subsidies are buried in the tax code. While all the loopholes, exceptions, exemptions, and preferences reduce the progressivity of the tax system and distort incentives, this is especially true of corporate welfare. Corporations that can't make it on their own should come to an end. Their workers may need assistance moving to another occupation, but that's a matter far different from corporate welfare. Much of corporate welfare is far from transparent-perhaps because if citizens really knew how much they were giving away, they would not allow it. Beyond the corporate welfare embedded in the tax code is that embedded in cheap credit and government loan guarantees. Among the most dangerous forms of corporate welfare are ones that limit liability for the damage the industries can cause-whether it's limited liability for nuclear power plants or for the environmental damage of the oil industry. Not bearing the full cost of one's action is an implicit subsidy, so all those industries that impose, for instance, environmental costs on others are, in effect, being subsidized. Like so many of the other reforms discussed in this section, these would have a triple benefit: a more efficient economy, fewer of the excesses at the top, improved well-being for the rest of the economy. Legal