Book: Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life
Quotes of Book: Wherever You Go, There You
All faces resemble each other, yet how easily we see in each uniqueness, individuality, an identity. How deeply we value these differences. The ocean is a whole, but it has countless waves, every one different from all the others; it has currents, each unique, ever-changing; the bottom is a landscape all its own, different everywhere; similarly the shoreline. The atmosphere is whole, but its currents have unique signatures, even though they are just wind. Life on earth is a whole, yet it expresses itself in unique time-bound bodies, microscopic or visible, plant or animal, extinct or living. So there can be no one place to be. There can be no one way to be, no one way to practice, no one way to learn, no one way to love, no one way to grow or to heal, no one way to live, no one way to feel, no one thing to know or be known. book-quoteBuckminster Fuller, the discoverer/inventor of the geodesic dome, at age thirty-two contemplated suicide for a few hours one night at the edge of Lake Michigan, as the story goes, after a series of business failures that left him feeling he had made such a mess of his life that the best move would be for him to remove himself from the scene and make things simpler for his wife and daughter. Apparently everything he had touched or undertaken had turned to dust in spite of his incredible creativity and imagination, which were only recognized later. However, instead of ending his life, Fuller decided {perhaps because of his deep conviction in the underlying unity and order of the universe, of which he knew himself to be an integral part} to live from then on as if he had died that night. Being dead, he wouldn't have to worry about how things worked out any longer for himself personally and would be free to devote himself to living as a representative of the universe. The rest of his life would be a gift. Instead of living for himself, he would devote himself to asking, "what is it on this planet {which he referred to as Spaceship Earth} that needs doing that I know something about, that probably won't happen unless I take responsibility for it? book-quoteZ hlediska trpělivosti se věci stanou proto, protože se stanou jiné věci. Nic není oddělené nebo izolované. Neexistuje žádná absolutní, konečná, prapůvodní příčina. Pokud vás někdo udeří holí, nebudete se hněvat na hůl nebo na paži, která ji drží. Rozhněváte se na osobu, které ta paže patří. Ale pokud se zamyslíte trochu hlouběji, zjistíte, že neexistuje žádný uspokojivý důvod hledat důvod svého hněvu v dané osobě, která ve skutečnosti neví, co dělá, protože je v daném okamžiku duchem nepřítomna. Kde by tedy měla ležet vina nebo trest? Možná bychom se měli hněvat na rodiče dané osoby pro špatné zacházení s bezbranným dítětem. Nebo na svět, ve kterém je málo milosrdenství. Ale co je to svět? Nejste vy sám součástí tohoto světa? Nezažíváte vy sám návaly hněvu, nemáte za určitých podmínek násilnická nebo dokonce vražená nutkání? book-quote