Eeh, but whah's the use, the fuckin' use?" Dixon resting his head briefly tho' audibly upon the Table. "It's over . . . ? Nought left to us but Paper-work . . . ?" Their task has shifted, from Direct Traverse upon the Line to Pen-and-Paper Representation of it, in the sober Day-Light of Philadelphia, strain'd thro' twelve-by-twelve Sash-work, as in the spectreless Light of the Candles in their Rooms, suffering but the fretful Shadows of Dixon at the Drafting Table, and Mason, seconding now, reading from Entries in the Field-Book, as Dixon once minded the Clock for him. Finally, one day, Dixon announces, "Well,- won't thee at least have a look . . . ?" Mason eagerly rushes to inspect the Map of the Boundaries, almost instantly boggling, for there bold as a Pirate's Flag is an eight-pointed Star, surmounted by a Fleur-de-Lis. "What's this thing here? pointing North? Wasn't the l'Grand flying one of these? Doth it not signify, England's most inveterately hated Rival? France?" "All respect, Mason,- among Brother and Sister Needle-folk in ev'ry Land, 'tis known universally, as the 'Flower-de-Luce.' A Magnetickal Term." " 'Flower of Light'? Light, hey? Sounds Encyclopedistick to me, perhaps even Masonick," says Mason. A Surveyor's North-Point, Dixon explains, by long Tradition, is his own, which he may draw, and embellish, in any way he pleases, so it point where North be. It becomes his Hall-Mark, personal as a Silver-Smith's, representative of his Honesty and Good Name. Further, as with many Glyphs, 'tis important ever to keep Faith with it,- for an often enormous Investment of Faith, and Will, lies condens'd within, giving it a Potency in the World that the Agents of Reason care little for. " 'Tis an ancient Shape, said to go back to the earliest Italian Wind-Roses," says Dixon, "- originally, at the North, they put the Letter T, for Tramontane, the Wind that blew down from the Alps . . . ? Over the years, as ever befalls such frail Bric-a-Brack as Letters of the Alphabet, it was beaten into a kind of Spear-head,- tho' the kinder-hearted will aver it a Lily, and clash thy Face, do tha deny it." "Yet some, finding it upon a new Map, might also take it as a reassertion of French claims to Ohio," Mason pretends to remind him. "Aye, tha've found me out, I confess,- 'tis a secret Message to all who conspire in the Dark! Eeh! The old Jesuit Canard again!"
( Thomas Pynchon )
[ Mason & Dixon ]