Author:  Ron Chernow
Viewed: 20 - Published at: 7 years ago

Hamilton was more persuasive than he realized, and a delegation of business leaders soon approached him to subscribe to a "money-bank" that would thwart Livingston's land bank. "I was a little embarrassed how to act," Hamilton confessed sheepishly to Church, "but upon the whole I concluded it best to fall in with them." 51 Instead of launching a separate bank, Hamilton decided to represent Church and Wadsworth on the board of the new bank. Ironically, he held in his own name only a single share of the bank that was long to be associated with his memory. On February 23, 1784, The New-York Packet announced a landmark gathering: "It appearing to be the disposition of the gentlemen in this city to establish a bank on liberal principles . . . they are therefore hereby invited to meet tomorrow evening at six o'clock at the Merchant's Coffee House, where a plan will be submitted to their consideration." 52 At the meeting, General Alexander McDougall was voted the new bank's chairman and Hamilton a director. Snatching an interval of leisure during the next three weeks, Hamilton drafted, singlehandedly, a constitution for the new institution-the sort of herculean feat that seems almost commonplace in his life. As architect of New York's first financial firm, he could sketch freely on a blank slate. The resulting document was taken up as the pattern for many subsequent bank charters and helped to define the rudiments of American banking. In the superheated arena of state politics, the bank generated fierce controversy among those upstate rural interests who wanted a land bank and believed that a money bank would benefit urban merchants to their detriment. Within the city, however, the cause of the Bank of New York made improbable bedfellows, reconciling radicals and Loyalists who were sparring over the treatment of confiscated wartime properties.

( Ron Chernow )
[ Alexander Hamilton ]