Book:    The Commodore
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I am so happy,' observed Jack, after a moment; and indeed he could be seen swelling with it. 'But what was that about beer?' 'I asked whether we were still in the beer region, or domain, that part of the ocean in which the beer we bring from home and which we serve out daily at the absurd and criminal rate of a gallon – a gallon: eight pints! – a head, is still available. Has the beer not yet given way to the even more pernicious grog?' 'I believe we are still on beer. We do not usually run out before we raise the Peak of Tenerife. Should you like some?' 'If you please. I particularly need a light, gentle sleep tonight; and beer, a respectable ship's beer, is the most virtuous hypnotic known to man.

( Patrick O'Brian )
[ The Commodore ]