Book:    A Rake's Vow
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The word, uttered softly, reached her as she halted before the side door; Patience felt a cool tingle slither down her spine. And felt the touch of his grey gaze on her cheek, on the sensitive skin of her throat. She stiffened, resisting the urge to wriggle. She looked down, determined not to turn and meet his eyes. Jaw firming, she reached for the door handle; he beat her to it.
Patience froze. He'd stopped directly behind her, and reached around her to grasp the handle; she watched his long fingers slowly close about it. And stop.
She could feel him behind her, mere inches away, could sense his strength surrounding her. For one definable instant, she felt trapped.
Then the long fingers twisted; with a flick, he set the door swinging wide.
Heart racing, Patience sucked in a breath and sailed into the dim passage. Without slowing her pace, she inclined her head in regal, over-the-shoulder dismissal. "I'll speak to Masters directly- I'm sure my aunt won't keep you long." With that, she swept on, down the passage and into the dark hallway beyond.
Poised on the threshold, Vane watched her retreat through narrowed eyes. He'd sensed the awareness that had flared at his touch, the quiver of consciousness she hadn't been able to hide. For gentlemen such as he, that was proof enough of what might be.

( Stephanie Laurens )
[ A Rake's Vow ]