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Part 2
Etienne: I cheated on her every day. In my mind, I thought of you in ways I shouldn't have, again and again. She was nothing compared to you. I've never felt this way about anybody before…
Anna: But…
Etienne: The first day of school. We weren't physics partners by accident. I saw Professeur Wakefield assigning lab parnters based on where people were sitting, so I leaned forward to borrow a pencil form you at just the right moment so he'dt think we were next to each other. Anna, I wanted to be your partner the first day.
Anna: But …
Etienne: I bought you love poetry! „I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul." Neruda. I starred the pasasge. God. Why didn't you open it?
Anna: Because you said it was for school
Etienne: I said you were beautiful. I slept in your bed!
Anna: You never made a move! You had a girlfriend!
Etienne: No matter what a terrible boyfriend I was, I wouldn't actually cheat on her. But I thought you'd know. With me being there, I thought you'd know.
Anna: How could I know if you never said anything?
Etienne: How could I know if you never said anything?
Anna: You had Ellie!
Etienne: You had Toph! And Dave! Anna. I'm sorry for what happened in Luxembourg Gardens. Not because of the kiss – I've never had a kiss like that in my life – but because I didn't tell you why I was running away. I chased after Meredith because of you. All I could think about was what that bastard did to you last Christmas. Toph never tired to explain or apologize. How could I do that to Mer? And I ought to have called you before I went to Ellie's, but I was so anxious to just end it, once and for all, that i wasn't thinking straight.

( Stephanie Perkins )
[ Anna and the French Kiss ]