Viewed: 6 - Published at: 6 years ago

six obvious ways to make an activity less convenient: • Increase the amount of physical or mental energy required {leave the cell phone in another room, ban smoking inside or near a building}. • Hide any cues {put the video game controller on a high shelf}. • Delay it {read email only after 11:00 a.m.}. • Engage in an incompatible activity {to avoid snacking, do a puzzle}. • Raise the cost {one study showed that people at high risk for smoking were pleased by a rise in the cigarette tax; after London imposed a congestion charge to enter the center of the city, people's driving habits changed, with fewer cars on the road and more use of public transportation}. • Block it altogether {give away the TV set}.

( Gretchen Rubin )
[ Better Than Before: Mastering ]