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The model provided by biblical parables is strongly influential in the following story, from Scivias I, 2, 32, in which Hildegard develops her motif of the 'pearl' as a symbol for humanity: The same lord who lost his sheep but so gloriously restored it to its life, also owned a costly pearl. The same happened again: the pearl was lost, and it fell into the ugly dirt. But he did not leave it lying in the dirt. He lifted it out carefully, and he cleaned it of the mud into which it had fallen, like gold purified in the furnace. He restored it to its former beauty till it gleamed even brighter than before. The probable sources of this story reveal something of Hildegard's methods as a maker of new narratives. The basic message is the same as that of the parable of the Lost Sheep {Matthew 18:12–14}, but she draws on other New Testament passages such as the parable of the Costly Pearl for which a merchant sold everything he had {Matthew 13:45–6}. There is perhaps also an echo of the command not to 'cast your pearls before swine' {Matthew 7:6}, since if they lie in the mud they are useless. Taken together these echoes of Hildegard's biblical reading blend into a new motif which she can add to the storehouse of her memory and bring out for use when appropriate.18

( Hildegard of Bingen )
[ Selected Writings ]