Yeah, and from what you said, she doesn't run a major corporation, or have kids. That makes a difference. I don't know how you juggle what you do. And I'll bet you weren't a 'terrible wife,' no matter what your ex says. I have more faith in you than that." He could already sense that she was a perfectionist about everything she did, and tried her best, or she wouldn't have had the job she did, and healthy kids. "Thanks for the vote of confidence. But he may be right. He's still pissed off about it, even now that he's married to 'Martha Stewart.' " She had a feeling the name was going to stick now that he'd come up with it. "That's pretty pathetic if he's still carrying a grudge, after how long?" "Six years." "And what about you? Anyone important in your life since?" He acted like a reporter even when he was out for dinner, and he wanted to know everything about her. She liked finding out about him too, and he was forthcoming about himself. He didn't seem like a man who had secrets, and he appeared to have good insights into himself. He wasn't unaware and knew who he was and how he related to other people.
( Danielle Steel )
[ Power Play ]