You don't understand," he said. "But your real problem is, I do," Shelby said. "You didn't realize how much she meant to you until she was gone." Luke drained his coffee cup. He put it on the table. "When you have time, Sean, you should take a little course from Shelby. She's seen every chick flick ever filmed. She knows things about this you and I have never thought of." Sean swallowed. Looking down he said, "Real quick, from a girl's point of view, what do I do next?" "Not what you think," Shelby replied. "You better not do what you did before. Whatever it was that made you arrogantly think she'd never be able to leave you? Not that. You better do whatever it was you did that worked for her, that made her think she wanted a life with you. If you can even remember that far back. Because, brother, I think maybe you're too late. And if you're too late, you're going to have to accept that and respect her space. If you turn crazy and give her trouble, I'm not on your side anymore." When
( Robyn Carr )
[ Angel's Peak ]