In "The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels," Jon Meacham explores the complex feelings surrounding national identity and pride. He references a quote by novelist Sinclair Lewis, which encapsulates the duality of understanding that, intellectually, America may not hold superiority over other nations, yet emotionally, there is a profound sense of pride in its uniqueness and values. This reflects the internal struggle many face when grappling with national pride versus a realistic view of a country's position in the world.
Meacham's examination delves into themes of American history and ideals, highlighting moments when the nation has risen to protect its core values. While acknowledging flaws, he emphasizes the importance of hope and the potential for progress. Lewis's quote serves as a reminder that the emotional connection to one’s country can inspire both love and critical reflection, urging citizens to strive for a more perfect union while appreciating the ideals on which America was founded.