"1Q84" is a novel by Haruki Murakami that intertwines the lives of two main characters, Aomame and Tengo, in a parallel universe set in Tokyo during 1984. Aomame, a fitness instructor and assassin, finds herself trapped in a strange reality after stepping out of a taxi. Meanwhile, Tengo, a high school student and aspiring writer, becomes involved in a mysterious writing competition with a surreal story by a young girl named Fuka-Eri. As they navigate their separate yet interconnected paths, both characters come to realize that their lives and choices are deeply intertwined.
The narrative shifts between Aomame and Tengo, revealing their thoughts, dreams, and existential struggles. Murakami blends elements of fantasy, romance, and psychological thriller, creating a rich tapestry of storytelling. The title itself is a play on George Orwell's "1984," suggesting themes of totalitarianism, individuality, and the search for truth in a world that seems increasingly distorted and controlled.