"Animal Farm" is a political allegory by George Orwell, set on a farm where the animals revolt against their human owner in hopes of establishing an egalitarian society. The story reflects the rise of totalitarian regimes, particularly Stalin's Soviet Union, as it showcases how noble intentions can lead to corruption and oppression. The animals initially aim to create a better life through their governing principles, but as the pigs, particularly Napoleon, seize power, the farm's ideals are betrayed.
As the pigs establish themselves as the ruling class, they gradually alter the farm's commandments to justify their actions and maintain control. The famous motto, 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others,' encapsulates this shift from equality to tyranny. Orwell uses the farm's transformation to comment on how language and propaganda can manipulate and suppress the masses.
Throughout the narrative, Orwell cleverly anthropomorphizes the animals, giving readers insight into their struggles and aspirations. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of power and the ease with which it can corrupt. By the end of the book, the animals realize that they have traded one form of oppression for another, highlighting the cyclical nature of tyranny and reinforcing the idea that vigilance is necessary to preserve freedom and equality.