"Anne of Green Gables," written by L.M. Montgomery, is a beloved coming-of-age novel that follows the life of Anne Shirley, an imaginative and talkative orphan girl who is mistakenly sent to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert at Green Gables, a farm in Avonlea, Canada. The couple had intended to adopt a boy to help with their farm but, instead, received the spirited Anne. Despite initial reservations, the Cuthberts grow fond of her unique personality and fierce imagination. The story chronicles Anne's adventures, her struggles to fit in, and her heartwarming relationships in the small community.
Throughout the novel, Anne's strong will and vivid imagination lead her to experience both joyful and challenging moments. She faces various trials, including a turbulent friendship with Gilbert Blythe and the challenges of fitting into the conservative expectations of Avonlea society. As she navigates her world, Anne's resilience, creativity, and capacity for love shine through. The novel highlights her growth from a misunderstood orphan to a confident and beloved member of her community.