"Anne of Green Gables," written by L.M. Montgomery, is a classic novel that tells the story of Anne Shirley, an imaginative and spirited orphan. She is mistakenly sent to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, who initially wanted to adopt a boy to help on their farm in Avonlea, Canada. Despite the mix-up, Marilla and Matthew decide to raise Anne, leading to many humorous and heartfelt moments as she adjusts to her new life.
Throughout the story, Anne's adventurous spirit and vivid imagination endear her to the community, but she also faces challenges, including her struggles with temper and the expectations of those around her. Her relationship with her adoptive parents evolves from initial skepticism to deep affection, highlighting themes of belonging and acceptance. The novel emphasizes the importance of love, friendship, and family.
As Anne grows, she experiences the ups and downs of childhood, grappling with the realities of life while maintaining her whimsical nature. The vibrant descriptions of Prince Edward Island's landscapes and the colorful characters Anne encounters contribute to the story's charm and richness. "Anne of Green Gables" remains a beloved tale of resilience, imagination, and the transformative power of love.