"Chasing Brooklyn," written by Lisa Schroeder, is a poignant young adult novel that delves into themes of grief, love, and the struggle to let go of the past. The story follows two main characters, Brooklyn and Nico, who are both dealing with the loss of loved ones. Brooklyn is mourning her stepbrother's death, and her journey reveals her feelings of despair and isolation. Through her poetic thoughts, the readers witness her internal battle as she learns to navigate her grief while embracing hope and healing.
Nico, on the other hand, is haunted by the ghost of his deceased brother. His narrative brings another layer to the tale as he wrestles with his memories and guilt while trying to connect with Brooklyn. Their paths cross in unexpected ways, creating a bond that helps each character confront their emotions. As they share their experiences and feelings, they begin to understand the importance of supporting one another in their healing processes.