"Cosmopolis" is a novel by Don DeLillo that follows the life of a wealthy young financier named Eric Packer as he navigates a chaotic day in New York City. Set against the backdrop of financial turmoil, the story unfolds over the course of a single day, during which Packer travels in his stretch limousine amid a series of events that reflect societal and personal crises. The narrative explores themes of capitalism, technology, and the human condition, highlighting the disconnection between wealth and genuine experience.
Throughout the day, Packer encounters various characters, each representing different facets of modern life, such as a celebrity, his wife, and various business associates. These interactions reveal his increasing alienation from both himself and the world around him. The surreal atmosphere is heightened by the deteriorating cityscape and escalating tension from protests against economic injustice, mirroring Packer's own internal struggles.
The novel serves as a critique of contemporary culture and the impact of technology on human relationships. Packer's journey culminates in a confrontation with his own mortality and the realization of his vulnerabilities. DeLillo's narrative blends existential inquiry with a commentary on the pervasive influence of capitalism, ultimately questioning the cost of wealth in an increasingly disconnected society.