"Diary" is a psychological novel by Chuck Palahniuk that delves into themes of identity, societal expectations, and the impact of history on the present. The story follows Marianne, a woman who decides to renovate a house on a remote island after her husband, Peter, is found in a mysterious state. However, the house holds dark secrets that intertwine with her family's lineage and her own personal struggles.
As Marianne confronts her past and the legacy of her family, she discovers unsettling truths that challenge her understanding of reality and self-worth. The book explores how our past can shape our lives and question the definitions of art and authenticity in contemporary society.
Palahniuk's narrative employs a blend of horror and surrealism, with a focus on the emotional turmoil of the protagonist. The novel ultimately reflects on the consequences of silence, complicity, and the sometimes hidden horrors lurking beneath everyday life.