"Earth Unaware" is the first book in the Formic Wars series, which serves as a prequel to Orson Scott Card's famous "Ender's Game." The narrative unfolds in a future where humanity is unprepared for an encounter with an alien species known as the Formics. The story centers on a group of miners in the asteroid belt who inadvertently stumble upon the Formic threat while extracting resources. Their discovery sets off a chain of events that leads to a battle for survival against an extraterrestrial force that represents a significant danger to Earth.
The novel introduces a diverse cast of characters, including the miner Victor Delgado, who plays a crucial role in identifying the impending threat. His efforts to rally fellow miners and alert the authorities highlight themes of bravery, sacrifice, and the importance of unity in the face of danger. As the miners face increasing tension and challenges, their journey underscores the human spirit's resilience when confronted with existential threats.