Joseph Heller's "Catch-22" is a satirical novel set during World War II, revolving around the experiences of Captain John Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier. Yossarian is desperate to escape the war and the bureaucratic absurdity surrounding it, primarily embodied in the term "Catch-22," which refers to a no-win situation where one cannot avoid a problem because of contradictory rules. This catch highlights the irrationality of military protocol and the paradox of seeking sanity in an insane situation.
The narrative weaves through the chaotic lives of Yossarian and his fellow soldiers, presenting a range of eccentric characters, each facing their own struggles against the system. Heller employs dark humor and irony to expose the madness of war, as well as the moral dilemmas and personal conflicts that arise in extreme circumstances. The structure of the novel is non-linear, reflecting the disorienting reality of combat and the characters' mental states.