"Life Before Man" by Margaret Atwood explores the complexities of human relationships through the lives of its three main characters: Lesje, a paleontologist, and her estranged husband, Nate, along with his lover, a waitress named Corrine. The narrative delves into Lesje's emotional struggles regarding her marriage and her feelings of loss and disconnection from the world around her. Atwood skillfully captures the tension between personal desires and social expectations as Lesje navigates her professional life as a scientist.
The story also examines themes of love, betrayal, and the search for identity in the face of societal pressures. Nate's affair with Corrine adds to the emotional turmoil, revealing the intricate web of relationships that bind the characters. Through their interactions, Atwood highlights the often painful realities of intimacy and the challenges of truly understanding one another in a modern context. The book presents a poignant and sometimes harsh reflection on human nature.