"Nausea" is a philosophical novel by Jean-Paul Sartre that explores existential themes through the experiences of its protagonist, Antoine Roquentin. Set in the city of Bouville, the story is narrated in the first person, allowing readers to delve deeply into Roquentin's thoughts and struggles. He grapples with feelings of disconnection and absurdity as he observes the world around him, confronting the inherent meaninglessness of existence. This sense of nausea symbolizes his existential realization and the weight of freedom that he feels, leading him to question the nature of reality and his place within it.
As Roquentin navigates his daily life, he becomes acutely aware of the existence of objects and people, revealing their arbitrary nature. His reflections lead him to understand that life lacks inherent purpose, challenging conventional beliefs and forcing him to confront his own identity. The novel is not just a depiction of anxiety but also a quest for authenticity, as Roquentin seeks to find meaning in a chaotic world. This existential crisis resonates with the reader, inviting them to ponder their existence and the weight of choice.