"Outcast of Redwall" is a fantasy novel by Brian Jacques, part of the beloved Redwall series. The story revolves around a young otter named Veil who faces rejection and scorn from his own kind due to his black fur, which is seen as a curse. Feeling like an outcast, he embarks on a quest for acceptance and belonging, seeking to understand his identity amidst the dangers of the world. His journey takes him beyond the familiar safety of Redwall Abbey, a place known for its peace and camaraderie.
Throughout his adventure, Veil encounters a variety of characters, including both friends and foes. The novel features themes of friendship, loyalty, and the struggle for acceptance. As he confronts different challenges, Veil learns valuable lessons about courage and the importance of inner strength. The friendships he forms along the way help him realize that true belonging comes from understanding oneself and embracing diversity.