"Rilla of Ingleside" is a novel by L.M. Montgomery that follows the life of Rilla Blythe, the youngest daughter of Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe. Set during World War I, the story captures Rilla's transition from a carefree girl into a mature young woman, forced to confront the realities of war. As the war unfolds, Rilla navigates her growing responsibilities, her relationships, and the impact of the conflict on her family and friends in the fictional town of Avonlea.
The narrative primarily focuses on Rilla's personal growth as she takes on the role of caretaker, organizing efforts for the war and supporting her brothers and friends who enlist. She faces challenges such as fear, loss, and the strain of separation, while also discovering her own strength and resilience. Through her experiences, Rilla learns about sacrifice, bravery, and the impact of love in times of hardship.