"Skyward" is a young adult science fiction novel by Brandon Sanderson that tells the story of Spensa, a determined girl living on a planet plagued by an oppressive atmosphere and constant attacks from alien forces known as the Delvers. The society she belongs to has a strict view of her family, particularly due to her father's shameful legacy as a traitor. Despite the stigma, Spensa dreams of becoming a pilot and proving herself worthy of respect and admiration, especially in a world where flying is revered.
As Spensa trains to become a pilot, she gains access to a mysterious spacecraft that has been long abandoned. This ship not only offers her a chance to learn and grow but also challenges her understanding of her heritage and the truth behind her father's actions. Throughout her journey, she confronts her fears and the societal prejudices against her, ultimately seeking to uncover deep secrets about her planet and the alien threats they face.