"Speaker for the Dead" is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card, set in the same universe as "Ender's Game." The story takes place on the planet Lusitania, where the human colonists must learn to coexist with the alien species known as the Pequeninos. The narrative focuses on Andrew Wiggin, also known as Ender, who returns to confront his past and fulfill his role as a Speaker for the Dead—a person who speaks truthfully about the lives of the deceased, allowing for healing and understanding in the communities he visits.
The central conflict arises as a series of mysterious deaths occur, and the humans struggle to understand the Pequeninos' complex culture and biology. As Wiggin investigates, he unravels deep connections between the two species, and the themes of communication, understanding, and forgiveness emerge strongly. The novel highlights the challenges of interpreting alien perspectives and the ethical implications of interacting with other sentient beings.