The Dilbert Principle, written by Scott Adams, humorously explores the absurdities of corporate culture and the often misguided management practices found in many workplaces. Adams posits that in a corporate environment, the least competent employees are promoted to positions of power. This leads to a scenario where incompetence thrives, ultimately resulting in a ridiculous yet relatable depiction of office life. The book serves as a satirical guide to navigating corporate politics and highlights the inefficiencies that plague organizations.
The follow-up, The Dilbert Future, continues the exploration of these themes, projecting how the modern workplace might evolve in the coming years. Adams employs his signature wit to predict trends in technology, management, and how they will impact employment. He offers humorous insights into the potential future of work, including issues like remote work and the increasing role of automation, while maintaining a critical lens on corporate practices that could hinder progress.