"The Glass Castle" is a memoir by Jeannette Walls that recounts her unconventional and often tumultuous childhood. Growing up in a dysfunctional family, Jeannette and her siblings faced poverty and instability, largely due to their parents' erratic behavior. Her father, a charismatic yet irresponsible man, dreamed of building a glass castle, representing hope and ambition, while her mother, an artist, often neglected the children's basic needs in pursuit of her own passions.
The narrative explores themes of resilience, survival, and the complexity of familial love. Despite the chaotic environment, Jeannette and her siblings developed a strong sense of independence, learning to fend for themselves amidst their parents' neglect. The memoir details their struggles and the impact of their upbringing on their adult lives, revealing how the bond among the siblings fortified them against their challenging circumstances.