"The Name of the Star" is a captivating young adult novel that follows the story of Rory Deveaux, a teenage girl who moves to London for a preparatory school. Shortly after her arrival, a series of murders reminiscent of the infamous Jack the Ripper occur in the city, creating a sense of fear and intrigue among the residents. Rory finds herself drawn to the mystery, especially as she discovers that she may have a unique connection to the events unfolding around her.
As Rory navigates her new life, she grapples with the challenges of fitting in at school while also trying to understand her potential involvement in the paranormal occurrences. She soon learns that she possesses the ability to see ghosts, which complicates her life further as she becomes entangled in the investigation. The novel blends elements of the supernatural with a coming-of-age story, highlighting Rory's growth and the bonds she forms with her classmates.