"The Well of Eternity" by Richard A. Knaak is set in the rich universe of the Warcraft series, exploring the origins of the night elves and the mythical Well of Eternity. The story begins with the burning of the world and the rise of powerful entities, including the demonic Burning Legion. Central to the narrative is the character of Broxigar, a courageous orc warrior who discovers a mysterious portal that leads him into the heart of the night elf civilization, where he becomes embroiled in their struggles against malevolent forces.
The novel intricately weaves themes of fate and sacrifice as Broxigar encounters key figures from night elf history, such as Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind. These relationships highlight the heroic efforts and the tragic consequences of war. The connection between the orc and the night elves becomes crucial as they unite to confront the looming threat posed by the Legion, ultimately impacting the fate of their world.