I have tried everything, Father. I've been kind to her. I've promised my strong arm will be hers forever into the horizon, until I am dust in the wind. And I've tried bargaining with her."
"What bargains?"
Hunter shot a wary glance toward the shadows, where his mother sat listening. "After my mother left the lodge, I said that perhaps I would be a tired Comanche when the moon rose if she were to eat and drink."
"And if she didn't, and you were not tired?" Many Horses' dark eyes filled with laughter. He too shot a glance into the shadows. "The bargain did not please her?"
Hunter shook his head.
"What bargains?"
Hunter shot a wary glance toward the shadows, where his mother sat listening. "After my mother left the lodge, I said that perhaps I would be a tired Comanche when the moon rose if she were to eat and drink."
"And if she didn't, and you were not tired?" Many Horses' dark eyes filled with laughter. He too shot a glance into the shadows. "The bargain did not please her?"
Hunter shook his head.
( Catherine Anderson )
[ Comanche Moon ]