Book:    Almost Heaven
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Leaning back in his chair, Ian listened to Larimore's irate summation of the wild and fruitless chase he'd been sent on for two days by Lady Thornton and her butler: "And after all that," Larimore flung out in high dudgeon, "I returned to the house on Promenade Street to demand the butler allow me past the stoop, only to have the man-"
"Slam the door in your face?" Ian suggested dispassionately.
"No, my lord, he me in," Larimore bit out. "He invited me to search the house to my complete satisfaction. She's left London," Larimore finished, avoiding his employer's narrowed gaze.
"She'll go to Havenhurst," Ian said decisively, and he gave Larimore directions to find the small estate.
When Larimore left, Ian picked up a contract he needed to read and approve; but before he'd read two lines Jordan stalked into his study unannounced, carrying a newspaper and wearing an expression Ian hadn't seen before. "Have you seen the paper today?"
Ian ignored the paper and studied his friend's angry face instead. "No, why?"
"Read it," Jordan said, slapping it down on the desk. "Elizabeth allowed herself to be questioned by a reporter from the . Read " He jabbed his finger at a few lines near the bottom of the article about Elizabeth by one Mr. Thomas Tyson. " was your wife's response when Tyson asked her how she felt when she saw you on trial before your peers."
Frowning at Jordan's tone, Ian read Elizabeth's reply:
My husband was not tried before his peers. He was merely tried before the Lords of the
British Realm. Ian Thornton has peers.
Ian tore his gaze from the article, refusing to react to the incredible sweetness of her response, but Jordan would not let it go. "My compliments to you, Ian," he said angrily. "You serve your wife with a divorce petition, and responds by giving what constitutes a public apology!" He turned and stalked out of the room, leaving Ian behind to stare with clenched jaw at the article. One month later Elizabeth had still not been found. Ian continued trying to purge her from his mind and tear her from his heart, but with decreasing success. He knew he was losing ground in the battle, just as he had been slowly losing it from the moment he'd looked up and seen her walking into the House of Lords.

( Judith McNaught )
[ Almost Heaven ]