Author:  R.C. Sproul
Viewed: 25 - Published at: 7 years ago

The principle of priestly absolution was not a major issue. The Roman Catholic Church has always taught that the priestly words Te absolvo {"I absolve you"} find their strength in the promise of Jesus to the church that "whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" {Matt. 16:19}, granting the spokesmen of the church a right to speak the pardon of Christ to penitent people. The Roman Catholic Church understands that the power to forgive sins does not reside ultimately in the priest. The priest is merely a spokesman for Christ. In practice, the priestly absolution differs very little from the Protestant minister's "assurance of pardon," which is given from pulpits across the land every Sunday.

( R.C. Sproul )
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