Book:    Wonder Boys
Viewed: 21 - Published at: 8 years ago

THE STORY GOES THAT I sucked too avidly at my mother's breast, and caused an abscess to bloom in the tender flesh of her left nipple. My grandmother, less kind in those days than afterward, disapproved strongly when at seventeen my mother had married, and managed to instill her daughter with a powerful sense of ill-equipment for the task of mothering me; the failure of her breast to bear up to the ardor of my infant lips filled my mother with shame. She didn't go to the doctor as quickly as she ought to have. By the time my father found her, collapsed across the keys of the hotel's piano, and got her into the county hospital, a staph infection had already taken hold of her blood. She died on February 18, 1951, five weeks after giving birth, and thus, naturally, I've no memory of her. I can, however, manage to recall a few things about my father, George Tripp, called Little George to distinguish him from my paternal grandfather, his namesake, from whom I'm supposed to

( Michael Chabon )
[ Wonder Boys ]