Book:    Almost Heaven
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Until that moment Elizabeth wouldn't have believed she could feel more humiliated than she already did. Robbed of even the defense of righteous indignation, she faced the fact that she was the unwanted gest of someone who'd made a fool of her not once but twice.
"How did you get here? I didn't hear any horses, and a carriage sure as well can't make the climb."
"A wheeled conveyance brought us most of the way," she prevaricated, seizing on Lucinda's earlier explanation, "and it's gone on now." She saw his eyes narrow with angry disgust as he realized he was stuck with them unless he wanted to spend several days escorting them back to the inn. Terrified that the tears burning the backs of her eyes were going to fall, Elizabeth tipped her head back and turned it, pretending to be inspecting the ceiling, the staircase, the walls, anything. Through the haze of tears she noticed for the first time that the place looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in a year.
Beside her Lucinda glanced around through narrowed eyes and arrived at the same conclusion.
Jake, anticipating that the old woman was about to make some disparaging comment about Ian's house, leapt into the breach with forced joviality. "Well, now," he burst out, rubbing his hands together and striding forward to the fire. "Now that's all settled, shall we all be properly introduced? Then we'll see about supper." He looked expectantly at Ian, waiting for him to handle the introductions, but instead of doing the thing properly he merely nodded curtly to the beautiful blond girl and said, "Elizabeth Cameron-Jake Wiley."
"How do you do, Mr. Wiley," Elizabeth said.
"Call me Jake," he said cheerfully, then he turned expectantly to the scowling duenna. "And you are?"
Fearing that Lucinda was about to rip up at Ian for his cavalier handling of the introductions, Elizabeth hastily said, "This is my companion, Miss Lucinda Throckmorton-Jones."
"Good heavens! Two names. Well, no need to stand on formality, since we're going to be cooped up together for at least a few days! Just call me Jake. What shall I call you?"
"You may call me Miss Throckmorton-Jones," she informed him, looking down the length of her beaklike nose.
"Er-very well," he replied, casting an anxious look of appeal to Ian, who seemed to be momentarily enjoying Jake's futile efforts to create an atmosphere of conviviality. Disconcerted, Jake ran his hands through his disheveled hair and arranged a forced smile on her face. Nervously, he gestured about the untidy room. "Well, now, if we'd known we were going to have such…ah…gra…that is, illustrious company, we'd have-"
"Swept off the chairs?" Lucinda suggested acidly. "Shoveled off the floor?

( Judith McNaught )
[ Almost Heaven ]