Book:    Almost Heaven
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Well, what happened to your scruples in the woodcutter's cottage? You I thought you'd already left when I went inside."
"Why did you stay," he countered smoothly, "when you realized I was still there?"
In confused distress Elizabeth raked her hair off her forehead. "I knew I shouldn't do it," she admitted. "I don't know why I remained."
"You stayed for the same reason I did," he informed her bluntly. "We wanted each other."
"I was wrong," she protested a little wildly. "Dangerous and-foolish!"
"Foolish or not," he said grimly, "I wanted you. I want you now." Elizabeth made the mistake of looking at him, and his amber eyes captured hers against her will, holding them imprisoned. The shawl she'd been clutching as if it was a lifeline to safety slid from her nerveless hand and dangled at her side, but Elizabeth didn't notice.
"Neither of us has anything to gain by continuing this pretense that the weekend in England is over and forgotten," he said bluntly. "Yesterday proved that it wasn't over, if it proved nothing else, and it's never been forgotten-I've remembered you all this time, and I know damn well you've remembered me."
Elizabeth wanted to deny it; she sensed that if she did, he'd be so disgusted with her deceit that he'd turn on his heel and leave her. She lifted her chin, unable to tear her gaze from his, but she was too affected by the things he'd just admitted to her to lie to him. "All right," she said shakily, "you win. I've never forgotten you or that weekend. How could I?" she added defensively.
He smiled at her angry retort, and his voice gentled to the timbre of rough velvet. "Come here, Elizabeth."
"Why?" she whispered shakily.
"So that we can finish what we began that weekend."
Elizabeth stared at him in paralyzed terror mixed with violet excitement and shook her head in a jerky refusal.
"I'll not force you," he said quietly, "nor will I force you to do anything you don't want to do once you're in my arms. Think carefully about that," he warned, "because if you come to me now, you won't be able to tell yourself in the morning that I made you do this against your will-or that you didn't know what was going to happen. Yesterday neither of us knew what was going to happen. Now we do."
Some small, insidious voice in her mind urged her to obey, reminded her that after the public punishment she'd taken for the last time they were together she was entitled to some stolen passionate kisses, if she wanted them. Another voice warned her not to break the rules again. "I-I can't," she said in a soft cry.
"There are four steps separating us and a year and a half of wanting drawing us together," he said.
Elizabeth swallowed. "Couldn't you meet me halfway?"
The sweetness of the question was almost Ian's undoing, but he managed to shake his head. "Not this time. I want you, but I'll not have you looking at me like a monster in the morning. If you want me, all you have to do is walk into my arms."
"I don't know I want," Elizabeth cried, looking a little wildly at the valley below, as if she were thinking of leaping off the path.
"Come here," he invited huskily, "and I'll show you."
It was his tone, not his words, that conquered her. As if drawn by a will stronger than her own, Elizabeth walked forward and straight into his arms that closed around her with stunning force. "I didn't think you were going to do it," he whispered gruffly against her hair."

( Judith McNaught )
[ Almost Heaven ]